CUSFS Termcard for Mich Term 2007

All events start at 7.30pm unless otherwise specified.

Other events may be added to the programme. Details will be included in the list once when we know them.

October 7th Discussion: Practical Methods for Reaching the Stars R Common Room, Sidney Sussex
Space appears a lot in science fiction, but the methods for actually getting there are usually glossed over. We'll take a look at some of the more realistic portrayals space travel, and see what modern science has to say on the subject.
October 14th Discussion: 101 Ways to Kill a Dalek R Common Room, Sidney Sussex
Doctor Who was many people's first exposure to science fiction, and with the BBC's revival of the series this promises to be the case for a new generation as well. Come talk about timelords, baddies and police boxes both old and new.
October 21st "Showing": War of the Worlds AA28 Foundress Court, Pembroke
Come and listen with CUSFS to the excellent radio adaptation of this sci-fi classic, alleged to have caused mass hysteria when first broadcast in America.
October 23rd Cinema Trip: Stardust Vue Cinema, Grafton Centre
By popular demand, CUSFS shall go and see this promising adaptation of a fantasy story by acclaimed author Neil Gaiman. "In a countryside town bordering on a magical land, a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he'll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm."
October 28th Discussion: Starship Captains R Common Room, Sidney Sussex
There are those who claim that a generation is defined by its Star Trek captain, with societal change reflected in the progression from the cowboyish Kirk to the diplomatic Picard and so on. A starship's captain is at the heart of much space opera, especially on television, and more recently Firefly's screen-filling Malcolm Reynolds has invoked a new interest in the post. Come to CUSFS and talk about starship captains old and new.
MONDAY November 5th, 6:45pm Fireworks and V for Vendetta Midsummer Common
Our traditional trip to the annual Cambridge firework display on Midsummer Common, following which those who wish shall watch the excellent and appropriate film, V for Vendetta; there will be cake and mead.
November 11th Discussion: Cyborgs vs. Genetic Engineering R Common Room, Sidney Sussex
Many of us will remember cowering in fear from the Terminator, but modern monsters (and heroes) are more likely to be biological creations. How should CUSFS create its next world-conquering army?
November 18th Discussion: Favourite Short Story, nominations for Hall of Fame, Booksale Books AA26 Foundress Court, Pembroke
Short stories have played a crucial part in the development of science fiction, and unlike novels they can be read in their entirety at a meeting (please only bring those which fall into this category; I suggest a maximum length of 5-10 minutes or about 15 pages). So, bring a favourite to discuss, or just come along to listen to some of the best. We will also be taking nominations for this year's CUSFS hall of fame, a list of the best authors, stories etc. in various categories, to be voted on by the society over the next two weeks.
November 25th Discussion: Practical Methods of Space Combat R Common Room, Sidney Sussex
Space, as the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy memorably told us, is really big; noises do not travel there, and enemy spaceships are unlikely to be brightly lit for your convenience. How would an actual space battle go?
November 30th 8:30pm Games Evening, Hall of Fame announcements Burrell's Field Common Room
Our famous games evening; we shall play a variety of superb games including RoboRally - feel free to bring along your own favourites. We shall also announce the results of voting on this year's Hall of Fame.

Last recorded update: 16th November 2007, by Michael Donaghy
Please send comments and queries to soc-cusfs at lists dot cam dot ac dot uk
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